Have you ever thought what would happen if humans didn’t need fossil fuels? Certainly, the environment was much in much better shape than the current situation. Specialists, environmentalists have recently found out about certain methods that can reduce the energy consumption of a complex to nearly zero which can make a complex completely ECO friendly . This technology is generally called Net Zero or Carbon Neutral.
Another reason for the particular importance of this issue is the limited amount of fossil fuels and the human concern about the future and his future generations, which with the expansion of such methods in various industries, not only the consumption rate of fossil fuels will be greatly reduced , but also the environment is less dander of getting harmed and thus we will make a greener, more beautiful and healthier world for our next generations to come.

In general, the term zero energy (Net Zero) is used for a complex that is committed to environmental health preservation protocols in terms of construction, usage and even renovation. The Net Zero Complex accurately is based on this idea and reduces pollutants and greenhouse gases during its usage. With all this, they cannot be considered green in all areas such as reducing waste and using materials that can be returned to nature. Also, making the indoor environment more comfortable is another goal that green buildings pay special attention to.
Since the beginning of history, when humans started farming and construction, they have always been harmful to the environment. The lifestyle of humans has always been such that it has slowed down the recycling cycle of carbon gases, which has many negative effects, including the reduction of the ozone layer and the increase in the diameter of the atmospheric layer that reflects solar energy, which affects It will be destructive in the short and long term on the health of the environment and ecosystem. Not only the geopolitical conditions of our country require the use of zero or near-zero output buildings, but population growth, human activities and excessive use of water and energy resources cause problems such as climate change, lack of resources and pollution. environment and will face our country with serious problems in the coming years. It should be noted that these resources are not only for the current generation and the improvement and sustainability of water and energy resources is vital for the future generation.

Advantages of zero energy sets
The fact that the energy source of these complexes is free from any kind of pollutant and fossil solids has improved the quality of the internal air of the structure, and with the use of proper air filtration and ventilation filters, the humidity of the internal environment will be completely controlled, thus preventing the growth of fungi. , bacteria and monomicrobial will be prevented.
These types of buildings have many advantages, which are mentioned in the following list:
Uniform internal temperature
Lower maintenance cost due to higher energy efficiency systems
Reducing monthly living expenses
Increasing the credibility of energy production and consumption systems. Like photovoltaic systems with a long warranty
Minimizing the cost of construction using new technology
Increasing the price of zero energy buildings compared to similar buildings
Optimal use of different wastes
Balance in energy consumption
Disadvantages of zero energy sets
In every field of activity, new methods and methods have their own bugs and disadvantages, which will be improved over time and their defects will be fixed. Currently, the following are the main disadvantages of this type of collections:
High initial costs
Lack of manpower and experts who have the ability to build such buildings
17% reduction in the price of new photovoltaic solar cell equipment technology and as a result reducing the amount of capital in the electricity production system
Phasing out of financial aid dedicated to this idea with mass production of photovoltaics
Increasing the capacity of energy networks after one year and the need to use electricity networks to compensate for the amount of energy consumed.